To the extent possible under law, the author has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Characteristics of digital painting (text only).


An in-depth survey - The major aspects of digital painting explained and illustrated for artists and collectors

Raster painting

Octave Pixel's Small Rocks is a typical raster painting. It is not possible to create the 'perfectly imperfect' lines and shapes that are made by a human hand in a program for vector painting.

 Pixel: Small rocks
Octave Pixel: Small rocks, raster painting

Vector-raster painting

1. Hybrid program
In Sunny Angle (below), stroke by stroke raster forms and lines are subtly smoothed by Bezier curves. The overall appearance of the painting reflects the hybrid basis of the program (ArtRage) and gives it a homogenous appearance that is somewhere in the middle between vector and raster.

 Goldberg: Sunny angle
Helene Goldberg: Sunny angle, vector-raster painting

2. Two programs combined
In Rear window (below) a program for raster and a program for vector painting are used in the same painting. Combining programs makes it possible to contrast the characteristics of vector and raster.

 Pauline van de Ven: Rear window
Programs for vector and raster painting combined in Rear window

Vector painting

No artist could better illustrate the characteristics of vector painting than Amparo Higón, a pioneering vector painter with an impressive oeuvre of abstract and figurative work hosted at Flickr. The image below was created in freehand-style using Corel.

 Amparo Higon: Self-portrait
Amparo Higón: Self portrait

2017/19 Digital Painting Amsterdam-Gent






2017/09/13 New certificates (version 5.0)

2017/08/30 Update of 'characteristics'; 'uniqueness and limited editions'; 'links'

2017/08/22 Update of 'detailed survey'

2017/08/14 Update of 'brief overview'

2015/08/08 New certificates: (v.4 for originals, v.1 for editions)

2015/08/06 Major update 'Market for digital art'

2015/08/03 'About color'

2015/05/21 'File formats'

2015/05/01 'Pioneering digital artists'

2015/04/25 'Visual characteristics'

2015/04/19 'Assessment'